
The Audreys: Sometimes the Stars

RogueOne3/14/2011 7:11:21 am PDT

Interesting discussion from another site regarding where to send donations for Japan and the possibility that the Red Cross might not be the best place to put those donations.

Haiti: Where did all the money go?

My organization has attempted for nearly a year to get the Red Cross to account for the money they collected for Haiti. In a recent meeting, I was told that 70 percent of their donations remain in “reserve” for longer-term reconstruction.

Long-term development to secure transitional and permanent housing, build infrastructure outside of Port-au-Prince and promote public health campaigns are all extremely important. But if the Red Cross, whose mandate and expertise lie in emergency and crisis management, is not responding to continued immediate emergencies on the ground, then who is? Who is responsible for the deteriorating quality of life and preventable suffering faced by those most affected by the earthquake?

and considerations before giving:

The Do’s and Don’ts of Disaster Donations