
Overnight Open Thread

Kosh's Shadow9/21/2009 7:08:25 am PDT

re: #407 Locker

I can see that perspective. My optimism, however, allows me to think that IF the standard of care started to drop on the upper or middle class then they would be unhappy about it and we’d put more money into it to bring the level back up, for everyone. Folks are pretty demanding in this country.

They’d want better care until they found their taxes would go up 10-20% and I mean if they’re currently paying 30%, they’d go to 40-50%, not 33-36%.
Then they’d want the plan changed so they could buy insurance and not subsidize everyone.

BTW, the plan my company has limits use of expensive hospitals like Mass General. I’m not complaining, although I might be if I need a quadruple bypass and they wanted me to go to one of the local hospitals (especially the one I don’t use because every doctor there I looked up had disciplinary action against him or her.)