
Live Video: President's Afghanistan Speech

Dark_Falcon6/22/2011 9:38:32 pm PDT

re: #318 laZardo

I’m calling it as another Iraq/Afghanistan/Vietnam already. Maybe it’s senseless to leave them alone, but we’ve seen how “intervention” hasn’t actually improved the parts of the world where we’ve actually intervened.

To say that is s to ignore the profound differences in the situation. Unlike in those other cases, we have zero boots on the ground. Moreover, Libya is a much more conventional war than Vietnam. There are normal front lines and in most cases known zones of control. Cease your America-bashing: Libya’s the right fight. Senator McCain is right on #416 freetoken

The Lord High Denier’s penchant for hard core Godwinism is forcing his political allies to distant themselves:

Monckton’s Nazi jibe ‘over the top’: Abbott

Monckton’s the kind one should never meet except in the passing-tourist kind of way:

“Daddy, what that over there?”

“Lucy, that’s what we call an ‘Inbred, British Denier Buffoon’. Stay away from them, they throw inedible rolls called ironmongers when they get mad and they have cricket bats.”

/Obviously kidding