
Fake Outrage of the Day: Hilary Rosen Criticizes Ann Romney, Right Wing Goes Nuts

simoom4/12/2012 12:25:09 pm PDT

Sheesh, has this as their main story with a whole bunch of further articles on it.

What’s crazy about this is, where exactly is the oxygen for this being newsworthy coming from?

- A CNN contributor says something about Ann Romney which quickly generates blog outrage on the right.

- The Romney campaign has Ann Romney create a twitter account and post her first ever tweet to address that CNN contributor and tee up the next day’s outrage (with press conferences and interviews planned to drive it).

- Even though the CNN contributor has no current affiliation with the DNC or the Obama Campaign, both groups still denounce the comment from multiple sources (axelrod, messina, michelle obama, wasserman schultz, etc).

So what you have is a CNN pundit on one side, and everyone else on the other. You’d think there’d be very little to report on there, but apparently the new rule is that the political parties are now responsible for what paid partisans say on cable news panels? Does that mean we’ll next have a news cycle dominated by Mitt Romney having to answer for whatever offhand things Dana Loesch or Eric Erikson say? Somehow I doubt it.