
Power Line's Hinderaker: Schools Should Be More Like Biker Bars

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)12/16/2012 9:44:02 am PST

Guns make it easier to kill other people. that is what they are designed for. They are not comparable to cars, or fertilizer bombs, or anything else like that. They are created so that it’s very easy for the person using them to kill something else, or at least blow a large hole in it.

Fertilizer is designed to be fertilizer. A person can take it and use it to kill other people, but it takes quite a bit of effort and we can often catch people by tracking unusual purchases that would show they were trying to make an ampho bomb.

Cars are designed to get people from point A to point B. Nobody has ever killed 26 people by running them over with their car.

It is really important not to make false analogies in this.