
A Serious Question From Religious Right Caveman Bryan Fischer

Birth Control Works12/17/2012 5:46:36 pm PST

re: #424 Holidays are Family Fun Time

I thought I was heading in that direction all along. I’m not sure it can happen, because this topic is too polarizing. We’ll get some sort of AWB and life will go back as it always has.

And we’ll continue to lose a lot of kid to the system or the streets and in school shootings.

Like the lady that wrote the I am Adam Lanza article. People don’t want to hear those things, she is violating her kid’s privacy, whatever.

Perhaps if more people knew what kind of life that familyand others have and the options that that kids that don’t fit the mold don’t have, we’ll get some serious funding and legislation.

But no, it’s too ickky.

Simple things like testing every child for dyslexia would end a lot of violence and incarceration in this country, but I guess that’s ickky too.