
A Cannon in a Hamas Mosque

Render1/13/2009 12:28:00 pm PST

Russian KPV/ZPU-1 14.5mm heavy machine gun. Technically not a cannon, as it doesn’t fire explosive shells.

A leftover from long ago, but still very dangerous.

The North Vietnamese/VC used theirs expressly for hunting helicopters. In single and twin mounts they provided the backbone of the Soviet era light AAA, until replaced by the 23mm. Even after being “replaced” they are still in use all over the world. Very common in various African conflicts. Well noted for their range and hitting power.

Several nations still make ammo for them, including Egypt and China.

This one looks kinda like it was modified from a late 40’s ground mount, removed from an older BRDM/BTR-70 turret, or pulled from a ZPU-2 or ZPU-4 mounting. The mount it’s on is not standard, and although the wheels are present, the standard AA gun sight is missing.

Hey, if you don’t actually aim your guns when you fire them, who needs a gun sight?

The round breach, conical flash hider, and 40 round belts are the key identifiers here.