
Sunset Palm

Walter L. Newton2/05/2010 8:16:24 am PST

re: #421 filetandrelease

And you wonder why it is so hard to take you serious any more.

(And in case you missed these new articles that I posted yesterday, please read)

Hopefully the principles involved in these articles will be booted out of the field forever, because they have abused the trust of both their fellow scientist and the general public that supports them through grants and other public funding.

I have been harping on the importance of clean, transparent science, a high standard of process, procedure and protocol. Yet there are those believers, acting no differently than a crazed religious person, who will turn a blind eye to theses machinations and try to protect their High Priest of science until they crumble.

These articles linked to below are from the Guardian, far from a conservative newspaper. These articles linked to below are not editorial or commentary, they are investigative reports from Fred Pearce, who Fred Pearce is an environment writer and author of The Last Generation: How nature will take her revenge for climate change.

How the ‘climategate’ scandal is bogus and based on climate sceptics’ lies - Claims based on email soundbites are demonstrably false – there is manifestly no evidence of clandestine data manipulation

Fred Pearce is not a denier, he is at the forefront of disseminating AGW to the public, and he is very concerned about the future. But he is also concerned that scientist like those mentioned in these articles have damaged the integrity of the science, and, if you care anything about AGW and the future of our planet, you will be on his side in exposing these certain scientist for what they are, self serving idiots who really have no interest in good science.

Go ahead, call me a AGW denier… if that’s so, then I keep good company with the Guardian, Fred Pearce and many other scientist around the world who have had enough of these mavericks and wants something done before the issue becomes irreparable.

This is the ONLY issue I have with the people and organizations mentioned in these articles. I have NO issue with the body of respectable scientist world wide who find no need to deceive and obstruct.

Climate scientists contradicted spirit of openness by turning down FoI requests - Hacked emails reveal systematic attempts to block requests from sceptics — and deep frustration at anti-global warming agenda

Leaked climate change emails scientist ‘hid’ data flaws - Exclusive: Key study by East Anglia professor Phil Jones was based on suspect figures

Environment Climate change - Strange case of moving weather posts and a scientist under siege - In the first part of a major investigation of the so-called ‘climategate’ emails, one of Britain’s top science writers reveals how researchers tried to hide flaws in a key study

How the ‘climategate’ scandal is bogus and based on climate sceptics’ lies - Claims based on email soundbites are demonstrably false – there is manifestly no evidence of clandestine data manipulation