
Saturday Blues: Joe Bonamassa, "Nobody Loves Me but My Mother"

allegro11/05/2016 5:28:34 pm PDT

re: #412 BigPapa

Maybe. But WI is +10 for Clinton as well. Not complaining, I hope he wastes his time. But I’d be pounding the Toss Up states hard, starting in FL/GA/NC. All close together.

The mind reels at all the options. I think she’ll still win but it’s pretty dicey: we really need a devastating blowout. A close election will feel like a hollow victory. It won’t be a hollow victory, but it will still no feel all that good.

Maybe it’s just the Pollyanna in me and faith in the genuine goodness of the American people, but everything I’m seeing tells me that we are going to see that devastating blowout. It will be an historic victory. As a woman who spent a career constantly teetering on the razor edge in the Good Ol’ Boys club with too many deep, bloody wounds to count over 30+ years, it will be in a way life validating, that maybe it was all worth it.

Hillary has got this.