
Overnight Open Thread

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus6/27/2009 3:05:37 am PDT

Pat Buchanan is waxing xenophobic again. From his latest piece, via Townhall:


Demographically, California is where America will be in 2040.

White folks, who are leaving California as they did in the millions in the 1990s, are below half the population. Hispanics, their numbers surging due to legal and illegal immigration, are well over a third of the population. The African-American share of California’s population is also falling, as the Asian share is rising, again from immigration.

Los Angeles, which is what most large American cities will look like, is the most diverse city on earth. Has diversity been a strength?


But when all of America arrives at where California is at today, where do the Americans run to?

Nice, Pat. Nice.