
RNC Open Thread Eight: The Wrap-Up

lawhawk8/31/2012 7:51:34 am PDT

Details emerge on Old Bridge NJ shooting. Two killed, plus shooter, in a Pathmark supermarket in Old Bridge. Police are still looking at a motive, but the shooter was an employee:

Authorities say he opened fire on employees he saw when he walked into the Pathmark store in Old Bridge. The store’s front windows were shattered by gunfire.

Officials said at a news conference that police fired no rounds.

Authorities say 16 shots were fired and an AK-47, extra ammunition and a handgun were found at the scene. The motive is being investigated.

The shooting happened at about 4 a.m. inside a Pathmark grocery store in Old Bridge, Mayor Owen Henry told The store was closed at the time and was scheduled to open at 6 a.m.

Employees who were in the store at the time of the shooting congregated later in the morning outside a TGI Friday’s restaurant in the shopping center.

Police at the scene were keeping onlookers well away from the store. A number of vehicles were in the parking lot outside the supermarket, along with police vehicles.