
WHOA! Gateway Pundit Lies Again!

Yeah Sure WhatEVs7/31/2014 11:48:30 am PDT

re: #31 RadicalModerate

I am in need of an explanation on something.

I have noticed, on social media - specifically Twitter/Facebook - recently that a whole bunch of these “I Stand by Israel” Tea Partiers - I identify them as such by their Gadsen flags, and other similar memorabilia - almost to a person also actively follow (and tweet/retweet) straight up white nationalist individuals and organizations. I’m not referring to individuals on the right who might be labeled as such (like Buchanan, Malkin, or Coulter), or even the so-called “Southern Heritage” ones who proudly display a Confederate battle flag. I’m talking about hardcore Third Positioners, links to AmRen, and Stormfront, as well as pro-Hitler postings. Do these people realize that those groups are the polar opposite to anything at all supporting Judaism and Israel?

End of Timers?