
New From Olbermann: 40 Shady Things We Now Know About Trump and Russia

🐈 Crush White Christian Nationalism 🐈5/24/2017 3:57:15 pm PDT

re: #34 KGxvi

True, but imagine this scenario:

Either the Dems take the House in 2018 or the Russia story hits critical mass for Republicans and the House goes through with impeachment. The Senate, in a moment of clarity, removes Trump from office. But they don’t bar him from future service.

Trump, being Trump, rallies his now pissed off true believers, barnstorming and giving speeches about how he was draining the swamp and the swamp fought back. So he’s running again, as a Republican, because fuck those guys. And he sweeps his base into a frenzy, riding it to another nomination (and taking out that traitor Pence along the way with new VP nominee Newt Gingrich), not only that, he rides this wave of resentment to primary several Republicans that voted against him in either the House or Senate impeachment proceedings.

Suddenly we have a general election of Trump vs ??? Hopefully, whomever the Democrats nominate can fight the crazy and inspire at the same time.

Trump will have experienced years more of mental deterioration by then. The real danger is having someone with all his faculties intact use the Trump blueprint to tear down our country.