
Video: Samantha Bee Enumerates the Many Bad Things

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷6/23/2017 2:02:16 am PDT

GOP Congressman: Bill Clinton Warned Loretta Lynch He Would Kill Her Like Vince Foster goes to Right Wing Watch, with audio of Pete Olsen (TX27, R) saying this on a right wing radio show.

Also from the same article:

Olson called the Comey hearing a “clown show” and said that what Sen. John McCain was trying to get at in his famously bumbling questioning of the former FBI chief was that there was a double standard between the media’s and Congress’ treatment of Trump and of Hillary Clinton because “the same sort of shenanigans happened in two fields, but one got all this national spotlight and all these little hearings and stuff, and one was just sort of swept under the rug like Vince Foster’s death.”