
Overnight Ocean Thread

Jack Burton in Mactified Forshion10/30/2009 1:13:37 am PDT

re: #42 iceweasel

Awesome. I would too. And updinging for the D&D geek humour. I always played Chaotic Neutral. :)

As for the W+ and -, I dig it. These could also go on our superhero outfits when we found Weak Force, and stand politically for Dubya. /

I’m sorry you’re not in a good place though. What’s up? On the other hand, I like when you DJ the LNDT. Selfish of me, I know.

Just a whole litany of little to medium sized problems and one possible large one that are all piling up to stress me out. Some days it’s easier to just suck it up than others. The bar brawl 2 threads down really depressed the hell out of me too.