
Green Lantern #55, September 1967: 'Cosmic Enemy Number One'

TedStriker11/20/2010 4:03:25 pm PST

re: #34 negativ

Aside from all things Batman, my superhero comic book obsessions involved the X-Men, the Amazing Spiderman, and the Silver Surfer.


X-Men: Whoa, pretty cool! Excellent adaptation of Wolverine, and it’s hard to imagine a better fit than Patrick Stewart for Professor Xavier. Also, Mystique. Hubba.

X-Men 2: Holy shit, Xavier and Magneto would probably rule the world for better or for worse, except for the fucking Holocaust.

X-Men 3: Derp da terpty toop da dumpty derpa donka poo.


Spiderman: OK, here’s the story of Peter Parker. Bonus: Willem DaFoe as the villain.

Spiderman II: Hey folks, remember that I am the same dude responsible for the Evil Dead movies, and also Army of Darkness. Sci-fi and horror nerds world-wide love it. So this film is going to be Spiderman through the prism of my earlier horror films, and OMFG it will be wonderful.

Spiderman 3: Derp da terpty toop da dumpty derpa donka poo.

That’s the thing about sequels…with the exception of Star Trek, Indiana Jones, Back to the Future, Harry Potter, and (marginally) Star Wars (to name a few big franchises), most movies that make a go at a trilogy (or more) have a great, good, or merely serviceable first sequel, then goes to shit after that.

It typically comes down to something like Big Ass Movie 3: The Quest For More Money