
Punkin' the Nirthers

wintercat8/06/2009 6:08:32 pm PDT
If you get an email or see something on the web about health insurance reform that seems fishy, send it to

The problem here is with the wording. If the WH web had said,

if you get an email or see something on the web about health insurance that seems questionable, email us with your question and we will do our best to get you the facts.

Then nobody would be concerned. But they didn’t. They used words that were certain to spark fear. Something fishy? Who says that? Send us the email? Or report what you see on the web. People’s involvement in goverment is supposed to be going to town meetings, agreeing or disagreeing, voting for their representatives and then complaining.

When did Americans decide to start reporting on each other to the government? When the heck did Democrats (who frankly I think have been far more outspoken about issues that infringe on civil rights over the last 30 years or so than Republicans) decide that reporting to the government was a good thing?

I am so without a party to belong to right now in the vast abyss called American politics.