
Creationist Dentist Gets the Boot

iceweasel3/03/2010 9:02:05 pm PST

re: #421 Dark_Falcon

Like I said, she loves the spotlight, but she’ll soon learn that it does not reciprocate the feeling. The crash, when it comes, will be quite painful. I wouldn’t feel bad if it was just her, but she’s got children and I do worry for them.

re: #421 Dark_Falcon

Like I said, she loves the spotlight, but she’ll soon learn that it does not reciprocate the feeling. The crash, when it comes, will be quite painful. I wouldn’t feel bad if it was just her, but she’s got children and I do worry for them.

Exactly. I feel bad for Bristol. I don’t agree with her abstinence work but I do at least believe that she is saying what she believes and grabbing a bunch of opportunities now mostly for money for her son.
Bristol isn’t a child now, but she is very young, and I think she’s being manipulated. Also she’s certainly being gleefully exploited, and there are many people who just can’t get enough of the Bristol/Levi/Palin family reality show trainwreck.
And of course there are the younger kids to consider as well.