
Limbaugh: "The Pope Is Ripping America... Obama's Having an Orgasm"

ObserverArt12/05/2013 9:16:24 am PST

A comment about the original topic of this thread.

Remember when everyone was told communism was bad because only those in power would benefit and all the workers that bought into that socialism/communism stuff would be held down by the men in power?

Yeah, that.

So, does capitalism have the same problems? It is an ‘ism’ and they are only as good as the practice and morality behind them. Seems to me with the recent big gains by the capitalist in power they are the ones benefiting and everyone else is still held down by those with the power.

I guess the big difference is the power in communism resides in the power of the state/government and the power in capitalism (as it is currently allowed to practice by the state/government) is in private hands with the power of their monies.

But really, in fact is there any damn difference other than one is painted bad the other good? The people in power still have the power, everyone else…nothing for you!