
Volcano Monitors Unite!

nyc redneck2/25/2009 8:15:26 pm PST

re: #405 theheat

Boy, I hope you’re joking. Rush has had some really embarrassing zingers where color is concerned (try google). When I used to listen to his show, he made me cringe more than once. I don’t remember the exact moment in time I had my epiphany, for lack of a better word, but it struck me odd I was listening to a corpulent, thrice-divorced, Viagra-carrying, blowhard with a prescription drug problem, dictate conservatism and morality over the airwaves to me.

Just sayin’.

sharpton is a shakedown bastard who would do anything and say anything to better himself at the expense of his country.
rush is pro america, first and foremost. that’s why he is successful.