
Sarah Palin at the Iowa GOP Ronald Reagan Dinner

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus9/17/2010 9:16:10 pm PDT

In Iowa speech, Palin predicts ‘the great awakening of America’

Sarah Palin’s maiden voyage to Iowa as a potential presidential candidate was, on its face, a fundraiser for the state Republican Party - and an early chance for the former Alaska governor to get some face time with the caucus-goers who will play a major role in determining the party’s nominee in 2012.

Instead, Palin trained her fiery message right at the television cameras in the rear of the room, setting herself up squarely as a national leader fueled by populist Tea Party fury against President Obama and his Democratic allies in Washington.

“This is it, GOP,” she said. “This is our time. We can’t blow it GOP. But we won’t wait for that political playbook to be handed to us on high from the elites. It’s we, the people, the average hard-working American people, who will turn this around. It’s the voters who will stop this fundamental transformation of America.”

The cause of this election cycle is a revivalist one, she said, calling the political moment “the great awakening of America.”


In this hyper-religious country it’s straight-forward political calculus to refer to previous American events, in this case the two “Great Awakenings” of evangelical fervor that swept the colonies.

Clearly Palin sees herself as a messianic figure. An article on Salon (IIRC) recently discussed Palin’s Esther-complex. I think it’s a good summary of what Palin believes of herself.