
Overnight Open Thread, with Electric Car

Coracle9/15/2009 7:01:44 am PDT


I was one who thought that for the most part ACORN has been mainly an ideological thorn in the side of the right since ~2004, when Rove et al started grinding an axe against them. I thought of them as lefty and fairly loose, but thought (and still think) the voter registration fraud cases were overblown. However.
These vids do seem to be exposing some non-unique interior rot. WHile it is true that several other attempted stings in other cities failed to net anything, the ones that did hint that there are quality control issues in at least some regions front offices. It’s a serious black eye(s) for ACORN, and one that cannot be as easily dodged, IMO. They’re going to have to do a serious bottom up housecleaning if they want to get past this, and I don’t see it happening soon. They’ve managed to vindicate their antagonists by not managing their own people properly.