
The Duggars and the Bizarre Regressive "Quiverfull" Movement

Targetpractice5/23/2015 9:57:57 am PDT

re: #421 freetoken

I expect there to be a lot under the hood. I just wonder what the greater fallout will be.

Earlier this morning TMZ claimed that TLC was considering just dropping Josh from the cast. I can’t believe higher ups in the Discovery corporation will be able to let the ride, if indeed General Mills has pulled advertising, which would signal others exiting later.

The only show on TLC that I have ever watched is Who Do You Think You Are. I can’t really grok some of the other shows’ appeal.

It would not surprise me that TLC is thinking they can salvage the show just by kicking Josh off the island. They already lost one cash cow with Honey Boo-Boo, they probably figure they can’t afford to lose another. So just making a big noise about kicking Josh out the door is, in their minds, a reasonable “compromise.” What they don’t get is that he’s not the biggest offender here, the paterfamilias is. And there’s no way to kick him out and keep the show going.