
Thursday Night Jam: Jimmy Barnes, "Stone Cold" (Feat. Joe Bonamassa)

Chrysicat11/11/2016 7:49:21 am PST

Not sure whether to drop this here, or in the “Portland Riots” thread, or wait for a new main-page thread:

Basically, they’ve set up a situation where it’ll require over 3/4 of each House and 2/3 of the Senate to even begin moving the Overton Window into the area where it spent even part of the 20th century and expect people to accept that no progress, either social or economic, beyond 1895, will ever be possible in the lifetime of even children yet too young to vote.

Which people might be somewhat-OK with if there were any way to make this merely the “Old Country”, but since no one in any country now lifts their lamp beside a Golden Door, all they’re doing is creating an increasingly-uncomfortable set of authorised targets who’ll have very little incentive to do their part in keeping this society functional. They tell us “love it or leave it” and a lot of us are getting to the point of saying “we don’t love it, so if you can find a way to ease our exit, we’d be fine self-ethnically-cleansing. But since you can’t change the laws of other countries to make us accepted there, and we have no hope for anything better than a Hobbesian life here…well, fill in the blankety-blanks.”

(BTW, much as Noah Webster dicked with spelling in the first place to encourage the American mind to separate from the English, I’m trying to go back to using International English spelling as a protest of where the parent ‘group of countries’ (they’re gonna get their wish of a Fed weaker than the European one) has gone, and to start doing what I can to keep myself separate from the people who are going to run the US unopposed for the rest of my life, at least my life as a non-imprisoned person).