
What Would You Ask About Health Care?

Kragar8/11/2009 5:21:00 pm PDT

re: #424 Sharmuta

Again- so what? I know people who have been put on powerful prescription anti-depressants after one hour long discussion with a doctor. Is that any better? It’s a part of human nature- we will look for some sort of stimulant to avoid dealing with ourselves and others- be it drinking, drugs or some sort of physical activity (thrill seeking, for example).

The only thing different here is the stigmatizing on marijuana. I think it’s wrong and based on decades old demonization with no basis in truth, and serves the interests of other good old boy networks more than it serves humanity. This is a natural plant with beneficial properties- why is it so hated? Weird.

Personally, I dont care either way. What I do care about is with the state in a budget collapse, they’re talking about legalizing it so they can tax it for revenue. Makes you wonder what else they might decide to legalize if they really decided they need the money.