
Sunset Palm

RogueOne2/05/2010 8:20:23 am PST

County Isn’t Liable for Alleged Police Beating

San Bernardino County isn’t liable for the actions of a few deputies who allegedly beat a Hispanic man and left him to bleed during their investigation of a possible cock fight, a federal judge in Los Angeles ruled.
As Galarza headed outside, an officer told him to stop and put his hands up. He said he was hit on the head with an unknown object, and someone kept beating him as he went down.
A deputy allegedly sat on him, handcuffed him, hit him in the face and kicked him.
He said he was moved inside the barn, where he began to cough up blood. A woman sitting next to him asked the officers to call an ambulance, but one officer allegedly replied, “Let the motherf—ker bleed. Let the motherf—king wetback choke on his own motherf—king blood the same way all these motherf—king wetbacks let roosters choke on their own blood.”
Another officer said, “I should have shot this motherf—king wetback. I had him ready. I f—king had him,” according to the complaint.

Lets see, the county hired them, trained them, gave them guns and badges, and put them on the street but they aren’t responsible at all for their behavior. That is some pretty lousy logic.