
What Racism at the Tea Parties?

Lidane3/21/2010 4:26:46 pm PDT

Racism and idiocy transcend political party and ideology. Both sides have their racist, ignorant douchebags.

That said, there is no denying there is a racial component to these Tea Parties, and to the teabagger movement in general. There is no way, no how that all this rage and all these people losing their goddamn minds are doing so because of health care. I simply refuse to believe that. It was nowhere near this crazy back in the early 90’s during the whole “HillaryCare” debate.

There is something much deeper and much scarier at work in all this, and both the GOP and the carnival barkers like Beck, Limbaugh and Hannity who command huge audiences are playing with fire by stoking this shit and minimizing it as either satire or understandable anger at the government. They need to actively and loudly denounce the racial garbage, and make it clear that those kinds of signs and protesters are not welcome on their side of the aisle.