
Radiohead: Lotus Flower

Birth Control Works2/28/2011 9:28:12 pm PST

re: #417 Walter L. Newton

I work retail as well. A store needs it’s best workers at peak times.

As a customer, I can tell you that nothing pisses-me off more than to have a slow cashier scheduled between 5pm and 6pm. At my store we generally don’t take any breaks during the lunch hour, afters school and between 5 and 6. There aren’t enough of us to cover the floor during those times.

It doesn’t always work that way, but we try.

IMHO, it should be about the needs of the customer, what will keep the store profitable and not about the employee.

I’d like to have a job in the future, so I do what is best for the customer. We aren’t the only store they can go to… .