
The Audreys: Sometimes the Stars

kirkspencer3/14/2011 7:17:48 am PDT

re: #393 freetoken

The SDUT/Signonsandieogo site really only wants to generate hits, not resolve issues. Its one of those things I see in most of these fading newspaper sites - the writers and editors of articles seem oblivious to the comments they generate. As such, the writers and editors just throw out articles in hopes of getting more web hits; I really wish they’d both to follow up with more articles specifically addressing items brought up in comments.

My proposal is that if writers/editors would do so then they would find a benefit not only to themselves but others too.

The tirade of ideological talking points repeated ad nauseam only finds a home where “pushing the peanut” is the name of the game by the writers/editors.

The AGW-is-a-hoax crowd really are cut from the same cloth as Evolution-is-a-lie crowd. Eventually evidence and reasoning isn’t even recognized as the defense of the worldview becomes paramount in the psyche of the naysayers.

Not entirely.

A significant underlying principle of the anti-AGW crowd is the perception - the belief - that the goal of AGW is really to hamper the United States.

Our production, our wealth, is all as a result of expended energy. Throttling back also cuts our economy; it is self-strangulation.

We’re ahead, and “they” want us to walk or even walk backward so they can catch up and pass us.

Thus their response to “cut back” is “you first” — pointing fingers especially at China, but with plenty left for other major industrial areas trying to capture markets from us.

It is a very difficult argument to defeat.

It is also significantly different from the anti-evolution crowd. Pretending they are the same leads to making arguments effective and valid for one group which are worthless if not antagonistic to the other.

I don’t have an answer what to do, but I know we can’t lump them in the same camp.

And I also know that if I must convince only one, I will take the anti-AGW crowd. For the children of tomorrow.