
Times Editorial: The Incredible Shrinking Elephant

Salamantis5/04/2009 12:25:14 pm PDT

re: #435 funky chicken

that’s their loss.

my kids hear a lot of more offensive stuff in school than ID. I have a master’s in biochem, undergrad microbiology, so I’m no fan of creationism/ID. It’s crap.

However, Bobby Jindal isn’t a risk to my children’s education or science knowledge. If the people of Louisiana like the job he’s doing as governor, well, good for them.

Federalism is a bit of a 2 edged sword, but I’m OK with in overall.

And parents who oppose the teaching of ID/creationism are pretty likely to discuss it with their kids from here on out if they see evidence that it is being taught. It’s kind of like how I watch to see if my kids are getting leftist political indoctrination (and YES they do) and Al Gore hysteria (again, YES they do).

It’s part of sending kids to a government school. If you don’t want your kids learning the government’s approved curriculum, you send the kids to private school.

The government’s approved curriculum should not violate the 1st Amendment by teaching religious dogma in public school science class.