
Overnight Open Thread

Spare O'Lake5/27/2010 9:00:25 am PDT

re: #431 webevintage

He is a journalist/author (Joe McGiniss and I guess if he was on my case and I was a grifter like Palin I’d be a bit worried too.) who is writing a book about Alaska and Palin.
Normally he moves into the area his subject lives/lived in.
Personally I would not be surprised if this was all an act to get Palin to do something completely batshit and inappropriate…and she delivered.

Stalking him and getting a picture of him sitting on his deck and posting it on her facebook page along with inferring that the man is a pedophile.
Why does she think everyone wants to have sex with her kids?


Renting the house next door and spying on one’s subject with binoculars is beyond creepy, IMO. The guy needs to be fed his binoculars.