
Donald Trump Refuses to Stop Using Rolling Stones Songs

William Lewis5/05/2016 11:29:14 am PDT

re: #21 HappyWarrior

The left needs to organize their own party. the Democratic Party does not exist for them to use as a tool to use and disuse at their will. If they wanted to register as Democrats to vote for Bernie in the primaries, they should have done that the second they thought that Bernie was someone they could vote for. I have no sympathy for them.

The Left does have parties, especially the Greens. However they have done best historically with groups like the Democratic Socialists of America that have worked with the Democratic party to achieve realistic, pragmatic progress towards progressive goals. Bernie was rarely part of that and though the DSA supported his running and getting his ideas out there they will be more interested in three things:

1- defeating Trump.
2 - working with Clinton
3- working for a better mid-term elevtion

The Bernie Bros are the same as the Nader idiots that gave us the Bush league years and need to be smacked hard and often with the truth.

Being a real leftist in America is rarely easy. People believe some amazingly stupid things about economics and what socialism actually is. But I keep slogging at because I believe it’s been the best form of patriotism I’ve been able to perform.