
Jon Stewart on the Final Tea Party of the Year

ausador12/17/2009 10:47:06 am PST

Besides which can anyone show me when the federal tax rate has ever been lower since the end of world war II? Seriously we pay less than at any time in the last 65 years yet now we need to overthrow the entire government because of our “unfair” tax burden? How about all the polling that shows that the majority of Americans are willing to pay more as long as that money is definitely used for a good cause? (like healthcare or paying down the debt)

The fact that there are this many morons who know nothing about history, the law, tax rates, the constitution, or the government in general scares the crap out of me. Anyone with an partisan axe to grind can tell them anything and they’ll believe it, even to the point of becoming enraged over fictional nonsense. Looking forward to this “movement” burning itself out and splintering into irrelevance, tomorrow isn’t soon enough for me.