
Fox Nation and Big Government Fail to Retract Bogus Story - Day Five

SixDegrees1/03/2010 11:00:29 am PST

re: #28 Buck

Andrew Breitbart’s tweet:

Is there really a chance that there is a special “Bertha Lewis” that no one seems to know, and is not at all in the public eye (and deserves a private special tour of the WH, and access to the residence)?


There’s a very good chance that there are thousands of people named “Bertha Lewis” in the Unites states. That the one who visited the White House and the one affiliated with ACORN have different middle initials seems to be a solid fact.

At this point, it’s incumbent upon those making accusations that this is a particular Bertha Lewis to back up their claims with proof. It is not the job of those accused to prove their own innocence, nor is it their job to attempt to prove a negative (a long-acknowledged logical impossibility) such as is being implicitly demanded here.