
Actual News Headline vs. Fox News Headline

Talking Point Detective9/20/2011 2:12:10 pm PDT

re: #35 albusteve

AGW is a global event…Fox droolers that listen to Watts are a small number in comparison to those that support the science worls wide…Watts is hardly the biggest problem and certainly not part of any solution…the problem is political in nature, transcending a bunch of devout deniers…your post is fine, it just has little effect…you can’t explain to a steer where the water is, you lead them there by brute force

Sure. A short-term focus on people on what matters to them day-to-day makes it an uphill climb for them to take seriously a problem that will take years, decades, centuries to fully unfold.

But simply ridiculing the intelligence of voters, IMO, is not particularly relevant. Once again, these promoters of mis-information have a very real impact. There are hard-core “deniers’ out there that couldn’t care less about the science. But large %’s of the American public don’t even know the degree to which their is widespread agreement amongst scientists - and there’s a reason for that. That makes an uphill battle that much more difficult.

One reason for the lack of awareness is the “false-balance” reporting we see in non-rightwing mainstream media. But the impact of rightwing mainstream media, like Fox, Limbaugh, et al is significant. And Watts is a big part of that w.r.t climate change.