
Video: John Oliver Takes a Deep Dive Into the Criminal Justice System and You're Probably Not Going to Like What He Found

šŸˆ Crush White Christian Nationalism šŸˆ8/07/2018 9:35:57 am PDT

re: #438 A hollow voice says, Covfefe.

So I returned from the Star Trek convention yesterday. Iā€™ve already relayed all the news that came out of it, but I noted a difference in the atmosphere, too.

One thing was that there was less energy ā€” my hypothesis is that weā€™re all exhausted by our current government. (You wonā€™t find many DT supporters among Star Trek fans ā€” a group with ā€œInfinite Diversity in Infinite Combinationsā€ as a motto isnā€™t likely to approve of him, also we may have a higher respect for facts than the general population.)

The other is that we always have the rule of keeping politics out of the convention, but this time they wouldnā€™t stay out. Quite a few of the actors and other guests wore ā€œresistanceā€ t-shirts (my favorite said ā€œImmigrants Are U.S.ā€), and talk about what could be done kept creeping in.

The watchword of the convention was ā€œvote.ā€

Thatā€™s a pretty big deal, considering they all should have been extremely excited about Trek getting back on track with a Picard series.