
Overnight Open Thread

440 6:26:50 am PDT

re: #430 ConservatismNow!

Looking over the current front page threads, I have to say that it seems the hardest thing a person can do is seperate opinion from fact. Intelligent Design has as much relevance in a biology class as teaching astrology in astronomy class. This applies to this vaccination fiasco. It makes me want to bop these people with a cardboard tube and say “No!”

Over at “The Defenseman” blog, there are some comments by some blocked LGF users.

One claims he was blocked for admitting that he is a Catholic.

Another (or maybe the same one) said that he/she went to Catholic school, and learned “creationism” at school, in religion class and science in science class, apparently misunderstanding that that is not a problem, the problem is those folks who wish to teach creationism/ID in a public school in lieu of science.

There are some people (some blocked, some not at least not yet) that just insist on misunderstanding and misrepresenting the issues. You can talk ‘til you’re blue in the face, and they will STILL insist on misunderstanding and misrepresenting. I don’t get it.