
Virginia Challenges EPA Greenhouse Gas Finding

herbieham2/20/2010 2:20:58 am PST

I don’t post much here -by the time us Aussies get a go its always up to post gazzillion -and well, LGF has gone a little strange of late.

Sure is amusing watching the bickering while your country circles the toilet, For heavens sake, when the great nation of the free no longer is free -just look at yourselves -the individual opinion of the individual American means squat now -be dissenting and you are doomed to be dumped on as “not being like us” -heaven help the rest of the free world.

Go turn of your coal industry right now -its like -you’ve got the alternative ready to roll right now -haven’t you?

Does America actually produce anything anymore?
Anything to pay back your 14 trillion dollar disaster debt?
It will get worse when you have to import our coal to keep your lights on.
Legislation by executive decree, which is a particular case of a bad practice: rule by decree rather than rule of law.
Good luck in the United socialist states of america -and thats a small a