
Onion: Teach the Controversy!

Walter L. Newton5/24/2010 7:08:28 pm PDT

(I posted this early this morning, and then the power went out - high winds again - and then I had to got to work - my take on the LOST finale).

I noticed a few comments about LOST, the series and the ending, so I thought I would chime in.

First off, running through a number of major LOST blogs and reviews, the ending was generally loved by most fans. I’d say it’s going at about 90 percent of what I read were intelligent, thought out comments about the over all show and the finale. Of course the percentages could change later, but I suspect that anyone who stuck with this show for 6 seasons worth of episodes probably had most of their “questions” answered or were satisfied by the plot ending.

I wasn’t… not in a “they fucked me over” or “I wasted six years of watching” type of not satisfied, but the “dharmic” themed last 10 minutes was not my cup of tea. This show was a lot of sci-fi themes, a lot of mythological themes but it mainly stayed away from overtly spiritual or religious themes.

But, the flip side of that, it’s wasn’t a copout or just some last minute (or last season) way to wrap up the story. If you were a real fan, you will see where a lot of the “moving on” concepts were foreshadowed even in season one (The Whispers). And as season 6 advanced this past year, more clues were dropped.

Yes, the alternate time line was actually discovered to be one of the “circles” on the dharma styled wheel of life, and it was a holding place for all our characters as they came to grips with their lives, and then, when all the interconnected pieces of there lives finally were resolved, they were ready to “cash in” their karma and move on to the next level. A sort of “karma green room.”

Too much spiritual story line thrown in at the end for my total liking. But the character resolves, the full circle, the extremely strong character based writing and story line, it had me in tears during the last episode. Nothing could have happened the way it did if the writers hadn’t carefully crafted a wonderful character based story, as each group of characters realized their destiny, you could see how the writers and producers knew just where they were going from early on, and how wonderfully they set up these situations in early seasons in order to have the dove-tailed conclusions of each of the major paired couples.

If you like love stories, if you like strong character based writing, LOST gave you some of the most fulfilling character arcs I’ve ever seen.

If you care more about sci-fi, mythology and answers to every little detail, you may not of got a totally fulfilling ending, but you still got a damn good one.

Bottom line, they said they knew where they were going, and that was evident by the end, whether you were totally satisfied or not, they kept their promises, which cannot be said for too many episodic TV shows.