
Tea Party Leader Supported Racist Image of Obama

doubter44449/13/2009 2:28:05 pm PDT

re: #344 PSGInfinity

As if a sitting President couldn’t be a fascist at heart?

Do you really believe that Barack [“We are the change we’ve been waiting for…” “Get in their faces…” “A force as strong as the military…” ‘cozy up to Ahmadinejad while hammering the Hondurans’] Obama really has America’s best interests at heart?

Yes, you dick, I do.
You may not agree with him, may hate him, may think he’s dangerously naive, don’t care, but to think think that he is WILLFULLY trying to destroy the country is insane.
And if you really feel that, than what’s to stop you from doing something about it?
Or some other crazy?
It’s people like you that will be the abettors when this blows up.
Fuck you and your hatred of what America really is.