
Revealed: Senator Ted Cruz Follows Twitter Account w/Pres. Obama in Hangman's Noose Avi

FFL (GOP Delenda Est)1/31/2014 10:09:16 am PST

re: #436 iossarian

This. Why, exactly, when the WHOLE POINT of the USA originally was that it was a bunch of people who wanted to live somewhere better than where they currently were, is it now not OK for other people to make that same decision?

The whole issue is a lot more complicated than that. We have methods for legal immigration - convoluted, messy, abused, and in need of overhaul.

We also have an existing large number of illegal immigrants in the country who are here working, and with the continuing influx varying with domestic and foreign economic and political conditions. And the laws regarding how they are handled are also essentially broken in a number of ways and seriously in need of an overhaul. And the solution has to deal with the existing problem and also look forward towards preventing or minimizing the problem in the future.