
Arab Pundit Praises Hitler for the Holocaust

yma o hyd2/10/2009 8:31:55 am PST

re: #411

Oh, good grief!

Now the federal gubmint will be deciding what is appropriate treatment for me? This will no longer be my choice and that of my doctor? I hope I will fit their criteria for being one worth saving …

I am not willing to accept a “hopeless” diagnosis. I can’t believe he said that. There have been too many cases of a “hopeless” diagnosis by local doctors without the proper expertise and knowledge, and the patient going to a state-of-the-art medical center and receiving treatment that results in their survival.

Also - its not a question of ‘the Europeans’ being more willing to accept hopless diagnoses etc.
That is definitely not the case in Germany, Switzerland, France, The Netherlands …
For us Brits - we don’t have any effen choice!
Yes, there is some sort of private health insurance - but they have all sorts of clauses, so your ‘hopeless’ diagnosis won’t be paid for by that insurance.
So you’re back with the good od bad old NHS … which is pretty impressive if you’re still ‘productive’ - but once you’re old, forget it.