
Overnight Open Thread

njdhockeyfan5/13/2009 7:00:16 am PDT

This is interesting…

Blue Dogs Jump on Health Care

The fiscally conservative Blue Dog Coalition likely holds the key to enacting a universal health care plan this year, but so far the Democratic bloc feels like it’s being cast aside.

Forty-five Blue Dogs, led by Rep. Mike Ross (Ark.), on Monday warned that they need to be part of the writing of health care legislation in a sharply worded letter to Energy and Commerce Chairman Henry Waxman (D-Calif.), Ways and Means Chairman Charlie Rangel (D-N.Y.) and Education and Labor Chairman George Miller (D-Calif.).

The Blue Dogs pronounced themselves “increasingly troubled” at the lack of involvement in the writing of the massive bill and said their limited role is “especially concerning in light of the collaborative approach taken by our Senate colleagues.”

Ross said they want to be brought in on the front end, not the back.

“I’ve had a sit-down with Chairman Waxman on health care, but we keep hearing rumors that a bill is being written,” he said. “A conversation is nice, but we want to be there when it’s being written.”

Ross made clear that the success of the health care overhaul was at risk. Lawmakers are pressing ahead quickly on a massive reform package with a goal of enacting a bill into law this year. Leaders in both chambers have said they’d like to have a bill on the floor by August.

We speak with 51 votes, and we expect to be involved in helping draft the legislation. And if we’re not, I see a lot more complications down the road on health care than what the leadership experienced on cap-and-trade,” Ross said in an interview Tuesday.