
Wacky Wingnut Post of the Day

SanFranciscoZionist1/31/2011 5:15:12 pm PST

re: #355 _RememberTonyC

You may not like what he said, but its well known that much of the violence in Iraq was done in muslim on Muslim attacks. And the Iran/Iraq war had a large element of religion as well. Over a million dead in a ten year slog. It ain’t PC to say it, but there is much evidence to suggest that there is some truth in his statement.

Only if you carefully block out all memory of what shit went down in the course of the twentieth century and the last decade outside the Muslim world.

Fuck PC—suggesting that Muslims are especially bloodthirsty as compared to the general run of humanity isn’t offensive, it’s just rather lacking in any proof.

Pol Pot made the Taliban look like pikers.