
Awesome Web-Hosting Deal Alert

Gus8/11/2011 9:28:03 am PDT

re: #442 OhCrapIHaveACrushOnSarahPalin

They would, in the sense that the anti-Obama Disappointeds would change that sullen old tune they’ve been singing for the past two years, right quick.

Won’t stop Bachmann from trying whatever is going through that ridiculous, socially damaged mind of hers. Palin? Lol she’s going to once again try and steal the thunder on Ames straw poll day.

But then, this is why I think Perry is the safest choice for keeping the socially anxious contingent of the R’s happy. Plus, he doesn’t have that wrong-body-parts problem, either lol

Good point about Perry. With him they wouldn’t have to pick a thumper to appease the religious right. He can then actually afford to choose someone to the “left” of him say like Huntsman. That would then appease the independents.