
Video: President Obama Delivers a Statement on Fiscal Cliff Deal

makeitstop1/02/2013 9:02:00 am PST

Grimm: Boehner Betrayed Us By Failing To Take Up Sandy Relief

Rep. Michael Grimm (R-NY) said Wednesday he feels betrayed by House Speaker John Boehner for failing to take up Hurricane Sandy relief legislation the night before.

“We were all set to go, and I feel that this was a betrayal, I just half to say it,” Grimm told WNYC’s Brian Lehrer. “I feel it’s a betrayal and an indefensible, an indefensible error in judgment on the Speaker’s behalf.”

Asked whether it makes him question his support for Boehner when he is up for re-election as House Speaker, Grimm said: “Unfortunately, it absolutely does.”

As I said last night - in the optics war, the GOP shot themselves in the face with a howitzer. They haven’t begun to taste the outrage they’re in for.