
Overnight Open Thread

eon4/05/2009 5:02:13 am PDT

re: #432 Spare O’Lake

Good Morning LGF.

The POTUS has declared the NK missile launch to be a provocative act and urged “North Korea to abide fully by the resolutions of the U.N. Security Council and to refrain from further provocative actions.”

Doesn’t being an impotent sole superpower just totally suck?///

Good morning, Lizards.

From The One’s POV, no, actually. He gets to be “concerned” without actually doing anything. Which is about what I’d expect from someone famed for voting “Present” more often in a shorter time than anyone else in the history of the U.S. Senate.

Actually, I have to admire his mental agility. He has, in fact, figured out a way to say that things are “still above his pay grade” from the highest office in the land.

I predict that for his next trick, he’ll put a sign on his desk saying “The Buck Stops… Over There, Somewhere”, with an arrow pointing vaguely in the direction of the window.

Besides, he can’t be concerned with fiddling little details like Lil’ Kim’s nuclear playtoys- he’s too busy being brilliant in his handling of the crisis in the U.S. economy that he helped create has to solve to remake the world in his own weird image save the nation from itself bankruptcy.

//// in case you couldn’t guess

