
Overnight Ocean

lawhawk12/07/2009 7:59:09 am PST

re: #397 ryannon

It’s still cheaper than running out coal plants, and buying oil from hostile regimes (even if the US isn’t importing a majority from the ME, it (and the Europeans) are continuing to fund hostile regimes, even in places like Venezuela.

And the cost for nuclear is cheaper than the costs that are envisioned by the cap n’ taxers and wouldn’t result in a lower standard of living.

New nuclear technologies can reduce the waste issues as well. Storage issues could be addressed in the US via the Yucca Mt project that has been all but stopped by Harry Reid. Reprocessing of nuclear materials can and does work in France and Japan, yet we have limited capabilities domestically. There’s opposition to mining for new uranium domestically, even though worldwide demand is set to grow.

And most important - there is no other available energy source that can provide the quantity of power that nuclear can provide - not coal, not gas, not oil, not wind, solar, or even hydro (wind, tidal, solar, and hydro are geographically limiting due to the need to be located where such resources are abundant and regularly available).