
Video: Dawkins vs. Wright

Mad Prophet Ludwig8/05/2009 6:56:25 pm PDT

re: #415 Cato the Elder

This may well be true.

What I doubt is that anything we do short of voluntary extinction or ending civilization as we know it or enforced ant-like eco-sociofascism will alter the outcome.

Meanwhile, I shall live as a free man. And park my “clunker” in the hybrids-only spaces at Whole Foods as often as I can.

Actually there are things we can do. There are all sorts of things that we can do without resorting to an ant like socialism. This is part of what is so very frustrating to me and every other scientist.

There are all sorts of low hanging fruits that we could grab.

We just aren’t. It is a failure of our leadership and it’s political will to do these useful things.

It is a failure of the political debate that questions of solutions are reduced to either/or scare tactics about socialism vs. capitalism.

How about nuclear?

How about investing in and dispersing the new high density batteries so that people could have practical electric cars and practical solar supplementation to their homes and businesses?

How about not buying cheap crap from Chinese and Indian sweatshops, therefore no longer funding their giant industrial contribution to the problem?

How about painting your roof white? If you think that sounds crazy, then you have forgotten grade school where they did the experiment with the black cup of water in the sunlight and the white one.

How about not buying oil from evil countries that hate us? Do you think that if staunched the flow of those dollars it would be good for the economy?

No, these are easy things to do, they are sensible things to do, and they are the proper things to do in their own right even without AGW. Yet, from the Dems, we get cap and trade and from the GOP we get scientific falsehood and scaremongering.