
A Banner Week for Right Wing Xenophobia

Walter L. Newton4/30/2010 12:34:19 pm PDT


Um, yes. That’s exactly what this is. Who are these unqualified teachers in Arizona teaching the kids English? Did they sneak across the border, find all the various cleaning and fruit picking jobs filled by other illegals and decide to scam their way into the Arizona Dept. of education?

Surely, we can find this myriad of crappy, improperly accented educators. Must be a problem, and that’s why they need the law. There are no ulterior motives at play.

My mother will be pleased to know that she’s not an example of a qualified teacher of a second language who isn’t also a native speaker. I would say that it is up to those making the claim of “harm” to provide the data. Specifically, the data on Arizona that necessitated this law. Must be a mountain of it.

AceofWhat… I guess the actual answer to your question… “do you have an actual example handy…” was NO.